Step 8 of 8: Tabulate and win

So this is our current table

Surface Curvature Distance Height Material
OBJ 0 Dobj hobj air
AST Rast Dast hast glass
2 R2 D2 h2 air
IMS 0 (calc) (calc)

Now for the magic. OSLO uses different names for each column. OSLO's names kind of make sense, but they're more ambiguous than the ones that we used. For example, "height" becomes "APERTURE RADIUS" as you can see below.

OBJ 0 Dobj hobj air
AST Rast Dast hast glass
2 R2 D2 h2 air
IMS 0 (calc) (calc)

So how do you do this? Open a new lens file in OSLO. The Surface Data window will look like this. The headings are the same as the ones above.

oslo start

There is one too few rows. There are many ways to add rows, but the simplest is to select the image surface row (by clicking on the IMS button) and typing Ctrl+I.

oslo start

And now it is just a matter of entering the data that you have collected in the table above into your new Surface Data Window.