ECE580CLT: Computational Approaches Toward Light Transport

Finite Difference Modeling


handoutHandout introducing time-resolved finite-difference modeling of light transport
fdrz.mThe program models the diffusion of light deposited by a 10-ps laser pulse as it propagates through a medium with absorption (mua) and isotropic scattering (musp). Increasing the scattering (musp) increases the amount and rate of depostion and attenuation of the pulse. Increasing the absorption (mua) increases the rate at which the scattering light is attenuated.
Boundary conditions are INSULATED.
fdrz.m MATLAB program.
drawC.mThe program is used by fdrz.m for drawing figures
drawC.m MATLAB program.
makec2.mThe program creates colormap for use in drawing figures
makec2.m MATLAB program


fdrzCrz.mThe program models the diffusion of light from an impulse of light deposited at origin (z=0, r=0) at time zero.
Also plots C(r, @z=0) and C(z, @r=0), and compares with time-resolved diffusion theory.
Boundary conditions are INSULATED.
drawCrz.mThe program is used by fdrzCrz.m for drawing figures
makec2.mMATLAB program draws prediction of time-resolved Diffusion Theory.


fdplanar.mThe program uses the finite difference method to models the 1D planar diffusion of particles from a planar impulse source of 1 unit, with a diffusivity alpha [cm^2/s]. There are two solutions, one test case with front and rear boundary conditions and one reference case with no boundaries and twice the array size, eventually having insulated boundaries far from the source. Hence, one can modify the boundary conditions of the test case and compare with the matched boundaries of the reference case.