ECE532 Biomedical Optics
© 1998 Steven L. Jacques, Scott A. Prahl
Oregon Graduate Institute

Diffusion theory

Connecting optical transport theory and Fick's 1st law of diffusion.

The early work on neutron scattering theory in nuclear reactors first developed the connection between transport theory and Fick's 1st law of diffusion. The resulting statement of diffusion is also applied to optical transport. Consider the following problem:

Light scattered at position r passes through a small aperture with area A contributing to the flux J+.

For photon transport, the term µs' = µs(1 - g) is substituted the above µs which described isotropic scattering used in the above treatment.

In summary, the connection between transport theory and Fick's 1st law of diffusion is based on the linearization of F(r) around the value F(0) and on the approximation of D by the value 1/(3 µs').

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