HanQun Shangguan received a B. Eng. degree in Optical Instrumentation from WunHan Institute of Surveying and Mapping, China in 1982. From 1982 to 1990 he was an engineer in China Nuclear Instruments and Equipment Co.
In 1991 HanQun matriculated at Portland State University in Electrical Engineering with Lee Casperson as his advisor. He received his M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Portland State University in 1993 with his thesis Isotropic Illuminating Fiber Tips. In 1993 HanQun started working with Scott Prahl and finished his Ph.D. dissertation on Local Drug Delivery with Microsecond Pulsed: In Vitro Studies to fullfill his requirements for a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering at Portland State University in 1996.
Tragically HanQun Shangguan died of cancer on October 20, 1998 at the age of 40. He is survived by his wife and two daughters.
1998R. P. Godwin, E. J. Chapyak, S. A. Prahl, H. Shangguan, "Laser Mass-Ablation Efficiency Measurements Indicate Bubble-Driven Dynamics Dominate Laser Thrombolysis," SPIE Proceedings of Lasers in Surgery: Advanced Characterization, Therapeutics, and Systems VIII, 3245, 4-11 (1998).
H. Shangguan, S. A. Prahl, S. L. Jacques, L. W. Casperson, K. W. Gregory, "Pressure Effects on Soft Tissues Monitored by Changes in Tissue Optical Properties," SPIE Proceedings of Laser-Tissue Interaction IX, 3254, 366-371 (1998).
H. Shangguan, K. W. Gregory, L. W. Casperson, S. A. Prahl, "Enhanced Laser Thrombolysis with Photomechanical Drug Delivery: an In Vitro Study," Lasers Surg. Med., 23, 151-160 (1998).
H. Shangguan, L. W. Casperson, D. L. Paisley, S. A. Prahl, "Photographic Studies of Laser-Induced Bubble Formation in Absorbing Liquids and on Submerged Targets: Implications for Drug Delivery with Microsecond Laser Pulses," Optical Engineering, 37, 2217-2226 (1998).
H. Shangguan, L. W. Casperson, "Estimation of scattered light on the surface of unclad optical fiber tips: a new approach," Optics Communications, 152, 307-312 (1998).
1997E. J. Chapyak, R. P. Godwin, S. A. Prahl, H. Shangguan, "Comparison of Numerical Simulations and Laboratory Studies of Laser Thrombolysis," SPIE Proceedings of Lasers in Surgery: Advanced Characterization, Therapeutics, and Systems VII, 2970, 28-34 (1997).
S. L. Jacques, A. D. Barofsky, H. Shangguan, S. A. Prahl, K. W. Gregory, "Laser Welding of Biomaterials Stained with Indocyanine Green to Tissues," SPIE Proceedings of Laser-Tissue Interaction VIII, 2975, 54-61 (1997).
H. Shangguan, L. W. Casperson, K. W. Gregory, S. A. Prahl, "Penetration of Fluorescent Particles in Gelatin During Laser Thrombolysis," SPIE Proceedings of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Cardiovascular Interventions VII, 2970, 10-18 (1997).
H. Shangguan, L. W. Casperson, S. A. Prahl, "Contact versus Non-contact Ablation Efficacy of Thrombus in an Aqueous Environment," Lasers Surg. Med., S9, 10 (1997 abstract only).
H. Shangguan, L. W. Casperson, A. Shearin, D. L. Paisley, S. A. Prahl, "Effects of Material Properties on Laser-Induced Bubble Formation in Absorbing Liquids and on Submerged Targets," Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics, 2869, 783-791 (1997).
H. Shangguan, L. W. Casperson, S. A. Prahl, "Pressure Impulses During Microsecond Laser Ablation," Appl. Opt., 36, 9034-9041 (1997).
1996S. A. Prahl, H. Shangguan, M. Girsky, K. Gregory, "Localized Drug Delivery in Thrombus and Gelatin Using Microsecond Laser Pulses," Photobiol. Photochem., 63S, 39 (1996 abstract only).
H. Shangguan, L. W. Casperson, A. Shearin, S. A. Prahl, "Investigation of Cavitation Bubble Dynamics Using Particle Image Velocimetry: Implications for Photoacoustic Drug Delivery," SPIE Proceedings of Lasers in Surgery: Advanced Characterization, Therapeutics, and Systems VI, 2671, 104-115 (1996).
H. Shangguan, L. W. Casperson, A. Shearin, K. W. Gregory, S. A. Prahl, "Drug Delivery with Microsecond Laser Pulses into Gelatin," Appl. Opt., 35, 3347-3357 (1996).
H. Shangguan, L. W. Casperson, S. A. Prahl, "Microsecond Laser Ablation of Thrombus and Gelatin under Clear Liquids: Contact vs Non-contact," IEEE J. Selected Topics Quantum Electron., 2, 818-825 (1996).
H. Shangguan, "Local Drug Delivery with Microsecond Laser Pulses: In vitro Studies", Portland State University, (1996).
1995H. Shangguan, L. W. Casperson, A. Shearin, K. W. Gregory, S. A. Prahl, "Photoacoustic Drug Delivery: The Effect of Laser Parameters on Spatial Distribution of Delivered Drug," SPIE Proceedings of Laser-Tissue Interaction VI, 2391, 394-402 (1995).
H. Shangguan, A. Shearin, S. A. Prahl, "Visualization of Photoacoustic Drug Delivery Dynamics," Lasers Surg. Med., S7, 4-5 (1995 abstract only).
H. Shangguan, L. W. Casperson, S. A. Prahl, "The Effect of Absorption Coefficient and Radiant Exposure on theThreshold of Cavitation Bubble Formation in Light Absorbing Liquids," Proceedings of the Oregon Academy of Science, 31, 51 (1995).
H. Shangguan, L. W. Casperson, L. A. Buckley, S. A. Prahl, "Quantitative Analysis of Psoralen in Blood Serum with Laser-Induced Fluorescence," Bull. Am. Physical Society, (1995 abstract only).
1994H. Shangguan, L. Buckley, A. Shearin, K. W. Gregory, "Integrated Laser Catheter System for Photodynamic Therapy," Lasers Surg. Med., S6, 13 (1994 abstract only).
1993H. Shangguan, T. W. Haw, K. W. Gregory, L. W. Casperson, "Novel cylindrical illuminator tip for ultraviolet light delivery," SPIE Proceedings of Diagnostics and Therapeutic Cardiovascular Interventions III, 1878, 167-182 (1993).
H. Shangguan, "Novel Cylindrical Illuminator Tip for Ultraviolet Light Delivery: Design and Fabrication", Portland State University, (1993).