Amanda Dayton attended North Carolina State University and earned a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering. She was the recipient of a scholarship from the ARCS Foundation.
Amanda started at the Oregon Medical Laser Center in the fall of 2005 as a volunteer biomedical engineer who quickly became a paid engineer. She matriculated in the department of Biomedical Engineering at OHSU in the fall of 2006. She worked on technologies to improve breast tumor excision. She finished her Ph.D. thesis in the Fall of 2013.
2013A. Dayton, "Light-Guided Lumpectomy: Visual and Frequency Domain Localization of Breast Lesions", Oregon Health & Science University, (2013).
2012S. A. Prahl, A. Dayton, K. Juedes, E. J. Sánchez, R. López Páez, D. D. Duncan, "Experimental validation of phase using Nomarski microscopy with an extended Fried algorithm," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 29, 2104-2109 (2012).
2011A. Dayton, L. Soot, R. Wolf, C. Gougoutas-Fox, S. A. Prahl, "Light Guided Lumpectomy: First Clinical Experience," J. Biophotonics, 4, 752-758 (2011).
D. D. Duncan, D. G. Fischer, A. Dayton, S. A. Prahl, "Quantitative Carré Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy to Assess Phase and Amplitude," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 28, 1297-1306 (2011).
2010A. Dayton, N. Choudhury, S. A. Prahl, "Light Guided Lumpectomy: Is Continuous Wave or Frequency Domain More Accurate," SPIE Proceedings on Biomedical Applications of Light Scattering IV, 7573, (2010).
A. Dayton, N. Choudhury, S. A. Prahl, "Measuring distance through turbid media: A simple frequency domain approach," SPIE Proceedings on Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic Systems VIII, 7555, (2010).
A. Dayton, L. Soot, R. Wolf, C. Gougoutas-Fox, S. A. Prahl, "Light Guided Lumpectomy: Device," J. Biomed. Opt., 15, 061706 (2010).
D. D. Duncan, S. A. Prahl, A. Dayton, D. G. Fischer, "Quantification of tissue organizational structure using DIC microscopy," Saratov Fall Meeting, Joint Workshop on Microscopic and Low-Coherence Methods in Biomedical and Non-Biomedical Applications III, (2010).
V. T. Keränen, A. L. Dayton, S. A. Prahl, "Polyurethane phantoms with homogeneous and nearly homogeneous optical properties," SPIE Proceedings on Design and Performance Validation of Phantoms used in Conjunction with Optical Measurement of Tissue, 7567D, 1-4 (2010).
S. Prahl, A. Dayton, "Distance Measurement Device and Method of Use Thereof," United States Patent Application, (February 2010).
2009A. L. Dayton, S. A. Prahl, "Optical Wire Guided Lumpectomy," SPIE Proceedings on Optical Fibers and Sensors for Medical Diagnostics and Treatment Applications IX, 7173, 71730M-1-71730M-8 (2009).
S. Prahl, A. Dayton, "Optical Wire Illuminator," United States Provisional Patent Application, (2009).
2008A. L. Dayton, S. A. Prahl, "Turbid-polyurethane phantom for microscopy," SPIE Proceedings on Design and Performance Validation of Phantoms Used in Conjunction with Optical Measurements of Tissue, 6870, 687006-1-687006-7 (2008).