This data was graphically deduced from Fig. 25-3a of T. Sarna, HM Swartz, The physical properties of melanins, in "The Pigmentary System", ed. JJ Nordlund et al., Oxford University Press, 1988, which was a line drawing. They cite as the source of the data:
wavelength [nm] ext #1 = extinction coefficient [cm^-1 (mg/ml)^-1] ext #2 = extinction coefficient [cm^-1 (moles/liter)^-1] nm ext #1 ext #2 213.54 47.193 13922 217.92 46.140 13611 222.25 44.738 13198 226.55 43.161 12732 228.59 41.586 12268 232.91 40.183 11854 234.95 38.608 11389 241.54 37.204 10975 243.61 35.803 10562 247.96 34.576 10200 250.18 34.224 10096 256.82 33.170 9785.1 263.41 31.765 9370.7 270.05 30.711 9059.7 276.71 29.831 8800.1 285.60 28.599 8436.7 292.24 27.545 8125.8 298.88 26.490 7814.5 303.26 25.437 7503.9 312.08 23.856 7037.5 323.18 22.273 6570.5 334.25 20.516 6052.2 343.05 18.760 5534.2 351.88 17.179 5067.8 360.76 15.947 4704.4 376.38 14.361 4236.5 387.50 12.952 3820.8 403.20 11.890 3507.6 418.85 10.478 3091.0 430.04 9.5940 2830.2 443.45 8.3590 2465.9 459.17 7.4720 2204.2 481.61 6.0540 1785.9 501.83 4.9880 1471.5 524.32 3.9190 1156.1 549.09 3.0240 892.08 591.91 1.5890 468.76 600.98 1.7560 518.02 625.84 1.3850 408.58 652.98 1.1870 350.17 675.59 0.99300 292.93 700.47 0.79700 235.11 720.81 0.60500 178.48 750.22 0.40500 119.47 770.62 0.56200 165.79 786.44 0.37400 110.33 802.28 0.36100 106.50 820.37 0.17000 50.150 829.42 0.16300 48.085