The Conscious Manager's Zen Page


The calligraphy is Shihan Toyoda's rendering of Ten Shin - heavenly mind, or universal mind.



The Aikido Association of America is affiliated with International Zen Dojo Sogenkai.

Bernard Glassman Roshi has started many socially beneficial businesses on Zen principles.

Tips on Zen training from the Los Angeles Zen Center.

Austin yoga teacher and Zen practitioner Charles McInerney posts interesting material here.


Photo gallery

Fumio Toyoda at International Zen Dojo in Hawaii.


The Great Buddha of Kamakura, Mark Roddy, and me. 1975 or 1976.


The famous rock and raked sand garden at Ryoanji, in Kyoto. (Photo by the author.)

Guard duty is uneventful at the Joku-in Temple's Zendo in Higashi-Matsuyama. (Photo by the author.)