Uke | Uchi |
Stand with jo in front of the left foot | Stand with jo in front of the left foot |
Lift, grab bottom of jo and slide step tsuki | |
Grab top of jo and use bottom to hold uke's jo down | |
Tsuki | |
High guard then tsuki | |
Deflect thrust outside, then shomen |
As written in Saito's book.
Uke | Uchi |
Stand with jo in front of left foot | Prepare to thrust |
With the left foot, take a large step to the left fron and thrust. (kaeshi tsuki) | Thrust straight forward |
Withdraw the jo when uke thrusts and hold his jo down. | |
Jodan gaeshi. | Thrust straight once agin. (Choku tsuki). |
Move to right hanmi and strike uchi's head. |
OGI Aikido | Bokken | Jo © SAP 17 Dec. 1996