Fourth kumitachi

Uketachi Uchitachi
Chudan no kamae Chudan no kamae
Slide step tsuki
Step off the line and slap bokken down
Step through and tsuki
Guard, then push back to jodan

Surprisingly, Saito's description follows until the last exchange.
Uketachi Uchitachi
1. Right hanmi Right hanmi
2-3. Step forward on the right foot and tsuki. Move the left foot into the position of hito e mi. Do a thrust
4-5. Hold your opponent's bokken down.
6-7. Stand in left hanmi and defend with a tsuki. Without resisting, flow with uke's movement, bring the bokken around up from below and thrust (left hanmi)
8-11. Step back with the left foot, defend as if cutting down, and adopt the attitude of a tsuki. Parry his thrust and do an uchikomi

OGI Aikido | Bokken | Jo © SAP 17 Dec. 1996