First kumitachi

Uketachi Uchitachi
Chudan no kamae Chudan no kamae
Jodan no kamae, right foot back
Slide step forward, then lower tip
Shomen cut with step (kiai) Cut obliquely up, bokken point to uke's chest, step out with the left foot and bring up the right
Gyaku yokomen
Guard (keep elbows close), right foot back, tsuki
Right yokomen (kiai)
Defend by cutting down. Settle the hips, tsuki attitude, left foot back

As written in Saito's book.
Uketachi Uchitachi
1. Right hanmi Right hanmi
2. Raise ken above head
3-4. Take one step back with left foot and strike down
Cut obliquely up,extend the ken point to uke's chest, step out with the left foot and bring up the right.
6. Defend by adopting the attitude of tsuki.
Step forward with the left foot and strike.
7-9. Defend by cutting down. Settle the hips and adopt the attitude of a tsuki. Strike again with renzoku uchikomi

OGI Aikido | Bokken | Jo © SAP 17 Dec. 1996