Tabulated Molar Extinction Coefficient for Hemoglobin in Water

These values for the molar extinction coefficient e in [cm-1/(moles/liter)] were compiled by using data from

To convert this data to absorbance A, multiply by the molar concentration and the pathlength. For example, if x is the number of grams per liter and a 1 cm cuvette is being used, then the absorbance is given by

        (e) [(1/cm)/(moles/liter)] (x) [g/liter] (1) [cm]
  A =  ---------------------------------------------------
                          66,500 [g/mole]
using 66,500 as the gram molecular weight of hemoglobin.

To convert this data to absorption coefficient in (cm-1), multiply by the molar concentration and 2.303,

µa = (2.303) e (x g/liter)/(66,500 g Hb/mole)
where x is the number of grams per liter. A typical value of x for whole blood is x=150 g Hb/liter.
lambda	HbO2	Hb	
nm	cm-1/M	cm-1/M	
630	680	4280	
640	440	3640	
650	380	3420	
660	320	3200	
670	320	3080	
680	320	2960	
690	280	2560	
700	320	2160	
710	340	1840	
720	360	1520	
730	400	1500	
740	440	1520	
750	520	1620	
760	600	1720	
770	660	1420	
780	720	1120	
790	760	1020	
800	800	920	
810	860	880	
820	920	840	
830	980	840	
840	1040	840	
850	1060	800	
860	1080	840	
870	1120	840	
880	1160	840	
890	1180	860	
900	1200	880	
910	1220	920	
920	1240	880	
930	1240	800	
940	1200	800	
950	1200	720	

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