char t1[80] = "Time-Resolved Monte Carlo by Scott Prahl ("; char t2[80] = "1 J Pulse Irradiation of Semi-Infinite Medium"; #include #include #include #define BINS 201 double mu_a = 5; /* Absorption Coefficient in 1/cm */ double mu_s = 95; /* Scattering Coefficient in 1/cm */ double g = 0.5; /* Scattering Anisotropy -1<=g<=1 */ double n = 1.5; /* Index of refraction of medium */ double ps_per_bin = 0.2; /* picoseconds per bin for backscattered light */ long i, photons = 30000; double x,y,z,u,v,w,t,weight; double rs, rd, bit, albedo, crit_angle, bins_per_mfp, refl[BINS]; static void launch() /* Start the photon */ { x = 0.0; y = 0.0; z = 0.0; t = 0.0; u = 0.0; v = 0.0; w = 1.0; weight = 1.0 - rs; } static void bounce () /* Interact with top surface */ { double tt, temp, temp1,tf; int bin; w = -w; z = -z; if (w <= crit_angle) return; /* total internal reflection */ tt = sqrt(1.0-n*n*(1.0-w*w)); /* cos of exit angle */ temp1 = (w - n*tt)/(w + n*tt); temp = (tt - n*w)/(tt + n*w); tf = 1.0-(temp1*temp1+temp*temp)/2.0; /* Fresnel transmission */ rd += tf * weight; bin = (t - z * sqrt(1-w*w))*bins_per_mfp; /* subtract time after passing surface */ if (bin >= BINS) bin = BINS-1; refl[bin] += tf * weight; weight -= tf * weight; } static void move() /* move to next scattering or absorption event */ { double d = -log((rand()+1.0)/(RAND_MAX+1.0)); x += d * u; y += d * v; z += d * w; t += d; /* total path length in mfp */ if ( z<=0 ) bounce(); } static void absorb () /* Absorb light in the medium */ { weight *= albedo; if (weight < 0.001){ /* Roulette */ bit -= weight; if (rand() > 0.1*RAND_MAX) weight = 0; else weight /= 0.1; bit += weight; } } static void scatter() /* Scatter photon and establish new direction */ { double x1, x2, x3, tt, mu; for(;;) { /*new direction*/ x1=2.0*rand()/RAND_MAX - 1.0; x2=2.0*rand()/RAND_MAX - 1.0; if ((x3=x1*x1+x2*x2)<=1) break; } if (g==0) { /* isotropic */ u = 2.0 * x3 -1.0; v = x1 * sqrt((1-u*u)/x3); w = x2 * sqrt((1-u*u)/x3); return; } mu = (1-g*g)/(1-g+2.0*g*rand()/RAND_MAX); mu = (1 + g*g-mu*mu)/2.0/g; if ( fabs(w) < 0.9 ) { tt = mu * u + sqrt((1-mu*mu)/(1-w*w)/x3) * (x1*u*w-x2*v); v = mu * v + sqrt((1-mu*mu)/(1-w*w)/x3) * (x1*v*w+x2*u); w = mu * w - sqrt((1-mu*mu)*(1-w*w)/x3) * x1; } else { tt = mu * u + sqrt((1-mu*mu)/(1-v*v)/x3) * (x1*u*v + x2*w); w = mu * w + sqrt((1-mu*mu)/(1-v*v)/x3) * (x1*v*w - x2*u); v = mu * v - sqrt((1-mu*mu)*(1-v*v)/x3) * x1; } u = tt; } static void print_results() /* Print the results */ { int i; printf("%s\n%s\n\nScattering = %8.3f/cm\nAbsorption = %8.3f/cm\n",t1,t2,mu_s,mu_a); printf("Anisotropy = %8.3f\nRefr Index = %8.3f\nPhotons = %8ld",g,n,photons); printf("\n\nSpecular Refl = %10.5f\nBackscattered Refl = %10.5f",rs,rd/(bit+photons)); printf("\n\n Time \t Backscattered Light\n [ps] \t [GW]\n"); for (i=0;i 0) { move (); absorb (); scatter (); } } print_results(); return 0; }