First kumijo

Uke Uchi
Stand with jo in front of the left foot Stand with jo in front of the left foot
Lift, grab bottom of jo and slide step tsuki
Grab top of jo and use bottom to hold uke's jo down
High guard then tsuki
Deflect thrust outside, then shomen

As written in Saito's book.
Uke Uchi
1. Stand with jo in front of left foot Prepare to thrust
2-3. With the left foot, take a large step to the left, and, flowing with the thrust, defend. Thrust straight forward
4-5. Thrust to uchi's face Jodan gaeshi.
6-9. Move your body to the right and block his low strike. Strike at the opponent's head. Strike low to the leg.

OGI Aikido | Bokken | Jo © SAP 17 Dec. 1996