Third kumitachi

Uketachi Uchitachi
Chudan no kamae Chudan no kamae
Gyaku Yokomen
Low yokomen
Guard low
Flip bokken up and tsuki (no step)

Of course Saito's description bears no resemblance.
Uketachi Uchitachi
1. Right hanmi Right hanmi
2. Hold opponent's bokken down lightly
Flow with uke's movement.
5. Defend by stepping back with the right foot.
6. Point your bokken at opponent's centr line.
Step forward with the left foot to the left and respond with an uchi komi.
8-11. Defend in the position of hito e mi. Strike again with renzoku uchikomi

OGI Aikido | Bokken | Jo © SAP 17 Dec. 1996